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Saturday 20 July 2024


TNPSC GROUP 2 GS STUDY MATERIALS - Guptas in English medium free download


TNPSC - Indian History- Guptas in English free download

Hai this is my official website www.studentsquestionpaper.in. In this website TNPSC Exam, 10th, 11th, 12th , Diploma, BE, ME Question Papers and Notes are publish for you. Use that Properly and forward your friends. Best Wishes For Your Bright Future.

The Gupta Empire (320-550 CE)

- Considered the "Golden Age" of ancient India

- Founded by Sri Gupta, with Samudragupta being the most notable ruler

- Capital city: Pataliputra (modern-day Patna)


- Political stability and military conquests

- Economic prosperity: trade, commerce, and agriculture flourished

- Cultural advancements:

- Science: Aryabhata's contributions to mathematics and astronomy

- Literature: Kalidasa's works, like "Abhijnanasakuntalam"

- Art and Architecture: development of Gupta style temples and sculptures

Religion and Society:

- Hinduism: revival and development of Vedic traditions

- Buddhism: coexisted and influenced Gupta art and culture

- Social hierarchy: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras


- Weak successors and internal conflicts

- External invasions: Hunas (White Huns) and other nomadic tribes

Indian History GUPTAS in English Free Download - Click Here


Tuesday 16 July 2024


TNPSC GS study materials- Indian Economy in English pdf Free download


TNPSC- Indian Economy in English medium

Hai this is my official website www.studentsquestionpaper.in. In this website TNPSC Exam, 10th, 11th, 12th , Diploma, BE, ME Question Papers and Notes are publish for you. Use that Properly and forward your friends. Best Wishes For Your Bright Future.

Indian Economy:


- India is a developing country with a mixed economy, incorporating elements of socialism and capitalism.

- It's the 3rd largest economy in Asia and 5th largest in the world in terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity).

Key Features

- Service sector-dominated (around 55% of GDP): IT, finance, tourism, and healthcare.

- Agriculture (around 15% of GDP): major crops include rice, wheat, cotton, and spices.

- Industry (around 30% of GDP): textiles, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and steel.

Economic Reforms

- Liberalization (1991): reduced government control, encouraged foreign investment, and increased private sector participation.

- Globalization: increased trade and investment with other countries.


- Poverty and income inequality

- Unemployment and underemployment

- Corruption and bureaucratic hurdles

- Infrastructure and resource constraints

Government Initiatives

- Make in India: promoting manufacturing and exports

- Digital India: enhancing digital infrastructure and services

- Startup India: supporting entrepreneurship and innovation

TNPSC GS - Indian Economy in English medium : Click Here




TNPSC - Indian Constitution - Part 2 in English

Hai this is my official website www.studentsquestionpaper.in. In this website TNPSC Exam, 10th, 11th, 12th , Diploma, BE, ME Question Papers and Notes are publish for you. Use that Properly and forward your friends. Best Wishes For Your Bright Future.

Indian Constitution:

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land, adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into effect on January 26, 1950. It outlines the framework and powers of the government, fundamental rights, and duties of citizens. Key features include:

1. Preamble: Outlines the objectives and goals of the Constitution.

2. Fundamental Rights (Articles 12-35): Guarantees rights to equality, freedom, and justice, including the right to life, liberty, and security.

   - Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)

    - Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)

    - Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24)

    - Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28)

    - Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)

    - Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

3. Directive Principles of State Policy (Articles 36-51): 

    - Social and Economic Welfare

    - Justice and Law

    - Environment and Public Health

4. Fundamental Duties (Article 51A): Enumerates citizens' responsibilities towards the nation.

     - Respect for the National Flag and Anthem

    - Protection of the Sovereignty and Integrity of India

    - Promotion of Harmony and Unity

5. Separation of Powers: 

    - Legislative (Parliament)

    - Executive (President and Governors)

    - Judiciary (Supreme Court and High Courts)

6. Federalism:

    - Union and State Governments

    - Distribution of Powers (Seventh Schedule)

7. Amendments:

    - Procedure for amending the Constitution (Article 368)

The Constitution has 448 Articles, 12 Schedules, and 5 Appendices, making it one of the longest and most detailed in the world. It has undergone over 100 amendments since its adoption, reflecting the country's evolving needs and values.

Indian Constitution Part 2 in English - Click here




 TNPSC - Indian Constitution - Part 1 in English

Hai this is my official website www.studentsquestionpaper.in. In this website TNPSC Exam, 10th, 11th, 12th , Diploma, BE, ME Question Papers and Notes are publish for you. Use that Properly and forward your friends. Best Wishes For Your Bright Future.

Indian Constitution:

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land, adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into effect on January 26, 1950. It outlines the framework and powers of the government, fundamental rights, and duties of citizens.

 Key features include:

1. Preamble: Outlines the objectives and goals of the Constitution.

2. Fundamental Rights (Articles 12-35): Guarantees rights to equality, freedom, and justice, including the right to life, liberty, and security.

3. Directive Principles of State Policy (Articles 36-51): Guidelines for the government to promote social and economic welfare.

4. Fundamental Duties (Article 51A): Enumerates citizens' responsibilities towards the nation.

5. Separation of Powers: Divides power among the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary branches.

6. Federalism: Divides power between the Union and States.

7. Amendment Procedure: Allows for changes to the Constitution through a prescribed process.

The Constitution has 448 Articles, 12 Schedules, and 5 Appendices, making it one of the longest and most detailed in the world. It has undergone over 100 amendments since its adoption, reflecting the country's evolving needs and values.

Indian Constitution Part 1 in English Medium Click Here


TNPSC GS STUDY MATERIALS - NITI Aayog and planning commission in Tamil free download

 TNPSC GS - Planning Commission and NITI Aayog in Tamil

Hai this is my official website www.studentsquestionpaper.in. In this website TNPSC Exam, 10th, 11th, 12th , Diploma, BE, ME Question Papers and Notes are publish for you. Use that Properly and forward your friends. Best Wishes For Your Bright Future.

NITI Aayog:

- National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog
- Replaced the Planning Commission in 2015
- Aim: to promote cooperative federalism and sustainable development

Key Objectives:

- To foster a spirit of cooperative federalism
- To promote participation of States in national development
- To develop a framework for sustainable growth
- To enhance transparency and accountability


- Chairperson: Prime Minister of India
- Vice-Chairperson: Appointed by the Prime Minister
- Members: Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, and experts
- CEO: Appointed by the Prime Minister


- 15-Year Vision Document
- 7-Year Strategy Document
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
- Digital India
- Make in India


- Policy making
- Implementation
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Research and analysis
- Capacity building

NITI Aayog and Tamil Nadu:

- Tamil Nadu has been actively involved in NITI Aayog's initiatives
- State-specific development projects and policies
- Collaboration on SDGs, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Planning Commission (1952-2015):

- Set up by the Government of India in 1952
- Aim: to promote economic growth, social justice, and infrastructure development
- Replaced by NITI Aayog in 2015

Key Objectives:

- Formulation of Five-Year Plans
- Promotion of economic growth and development
- Reduction of poverty and inequality
- Improvement of infrastructure and social services


- Deputy Chairman: Head of the Planning Commission
- Members: Experts in various fields
- Secretary: Administrative head


- Formulation of national plans
- Allocation of resources
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Policy advice to government

Five-Year Plans:

- First Plan (1951-56): Focus on agriculture and irrigation
- Second Plan (1956-61): Emphasis on industrialization
- Third Plan (1961-66): Expansion of education and healthcare
- ...and so on, up to the Twelfth Plan (2012-17)


- Promoted economic growth and industrialization
- Improved healthcare, education, and social services
- Enhanced infrastructure development


- Criticized for being too centralized
- Failed to address regional disparities
- Did not adequately address poverty and inequality

NITI Aayog and planning commission in Tamil - Click Here